Patina, Antique Black C-22

US $17.00US $50.00

Antique Black C-22 is a concentrated liquid for producing antique color tones on Copper, Brass & Bronze at room temperature. Antique Black C- 22 is used primarily for decorative purposes to produce a medium-brown, black-brown, and black antique color finish.

Preparation: Parts must be free of grease, alkalinity, or acid when Antique Black C-22 is applied. Parts must be thoroughly cleaned and deoxidized prior to blackening. Cleaner 104 is recommended for removing heavy oils and oxidation. Do not use petroleum degreasing solvents that leave a residue on the surface. Rinse thoroughly with overflowing cold water to remove residual cleaners and dust. It is important that alkaline cleaners are completely rinsed off prior to blackening.

IMPORTANT: We do NOT recommend using any sort of alcohol, solvent, acid, or degreaser to clean parts prior to solution application. Cleaner 104 is a great cleaner to ready parts for Antique Black C-22 or even a powdered cleaner like Ajax or Comet are recommended. Use with a scotch brite pad and medium scrubbing to prepare the part then thoroughly rinse with fresh water.

Antique Black C-22 is a concentrate and should be diluted with water: 1 part C-22: 4 parts water. A uniform black finish will develop in a period of 10 to 60 seconds. The immersion time can be shortened or lengthened depending on the dilution rate of the solution. Antique Black C-22 is often too concentrated to use as is and can rust pieces immediately; dilution is necessary.

Procedures: Immerse pieces in Antique Black C- 22 for the time necessary to achieve the desired color. Antique Black C- 22 is a concentrate and should be diluted with water: 1 part C-22: 4 parts water. For small parts, stainless steel or plastic baskets should be used and often simple tumbling is sufficient. Rinse thoroughly with overflowing cold water, to stop chemical reaction. The finish can also be easily achieved by brushing. To produce a uniformly colored finish, tumble or vibrate the parts in sawdust. Large pieces can be wiped dry or buffed. It is recommended that a clear lacquer be applied to the surface to provide maximum life.

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